Barriers To Stopping The Spread Of STIs

Once known as venereal diseases, sexually transmitted illnesses or STIs are fairly common and a very real part of many people’s existence. They come in various levels of severity. Some are curable and have barely any symptoms at all. Others, such as Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome or AIDS can result in a very difficult life followed by a painful and disfiguring death if regular treatment is not taken. With the devastation caused by many of these sicknesses the medical community has made some strides in the science of prevention but this essay will consider some of the reasons that their spread continues.

Religious Rules

Abstinence from sexual activity outside of marriage is expected of the members of many religious groups. Some of them are capable of meeting this requirement and others struggle with it. The problem is that many people who feel religiously obligated not to have sex but do so anyway feel like they are planning to sin if they carry contraceptives. This makes them more likely to engage in risky sexual behavior.

Social Stigmatization

Sex has been taboo for many people for quite some time and to some extent it still is. For people who think sex is dirty, having an illness that is transmitted via that very medium can make them feel filthy. This can stop them from seeking treatment which can sometimes prevent them from stopping the spread of a curable illness. This leads to a great deal of unnecessary suffering.

The Desire to Harm

There are individuals who are well aware that they have STIs and engage in unprotected sexual activities with the intention of making others suffer as much as they will. This level of malice was particularly evident in some of the earliest deaths from AIDS. That illness robbed victims of their lives so a few people tried to make sure they did not die alone.

Lack of facilities and tools

In developing countries, choice and feeling can form a great part of the difficulty in curbing the spread of an illness but in the third world, people may be willing to use prophylactics but simply lack access to them. This is especially common when their major charity organizations promote abstinence due to a religious agenda.

There have been many strides in genetic research which could eventually lead to the complete eradication of sicknesses that currently devastate the lives of millions worldwide.

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