The Layout Of A Persuasive Essay: Basic Tips For Students

The persuasive essay aims at convincing the reader of a particular view or opinion, ideally by presentation of empirical evidence and facts. This type of literature usually requires some research and investigation. It is also quite advantageous if you can find ways of directly connecting with the personalities of your readers to better enable you to sway their opinions. Here are some basic tips that will assist you with the construction of any type of persuasive essay.

1. Opening statement

This can play an important role in sparking interest in your paper. Common practice encourages the use of a provocative or controversial statement to start any article as this is one of the most effective ways of gaining the attention of a potential reader.

2. First strongest argument

Begin the body of your essay with your strongest argument, providing supporting evidence as you present each one. The following paragraphs will have related points in order of significance, trying your best to avoid including irrelevant or non consequential data.

3. Supporting data and evidence

One thing that can make a paper one of high quality is the ability of the reader to trust what it says or implies. Use only verifiable sources or experimental methods to acquire your data and find ways of showing the reader that your information is accurate.

4. Analysis of data

In the third paragraph of your essay, you can begin to analyze the data more closely. Be as objective as you can, present only testable theories and explanations based on information gathered through your efforts. Your intention here is to expose the finer details of the issue in a neutral light.

5. Discussion of evidence presented

Utilize all the evidence to paint a complete picture of the situation in the way that you see it, using evidence and data to back up your assumptions as much as you can. Maintain an air of objectivity while presenting your case, your aim is not to repeat your point until it sinks in, you must find ways of making the reader see your point without actually having to say it.

6. Conclusion

This final paragraph, or statement should wrap the entire paper up and condense all ideas and information provided into one, conclusive statement of finality. Make sure your statement is supported by your arguments, and try to fashion it to leave the reader feeling like they have now fully grasped the topic.

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